Jakele J1 - Repetierbüchse

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Jakele J1 - User manuals

User manual German

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User manual Spanish

User manual French

User manual Italian

User manual Swedish

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Jakele Jagd+Natur GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas Jakele
Am Werkhaus 8
D-87480 Weitnau-Hofen

Phone: +49 8375 / 2060 200
E-mail: info [at] jakele.de

Opening hours

From now on we are again available for you at the following opening hours, and we urgently ask you to make an appointment in advance!

Neue Öffnungszeiten Waffengeschäft / Büchsenmacherwerkstatt:

Thursday - Friday: 9:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 9:00 - 13:00

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday we are closed!

(Special appointments possible by telephone arrangement)


Our authorized distributors/dealers: